Upcoming Serendipity Festival on April 12th at the Community Montessori School in Georgetown!
Inspired by my recycled art creator, Erica Greening Costenbader, and urban folk artist, Anthony Pack (this photo is from his flickr page, quite a brilliant construction), I'll have a booth where children and adults can create robots as well as add to a community totem pole. So, save your tin cans, your odd-bobs and whatnots, and we'll put them to use.
By the way, I SAVED an AMAZING clock face out of a burn pile yesterday...it's 16" at its widest point and has roman numerals and the coolest gear works. Ay yi yi...what else could be in that filthy pile? I digress...
Come play with us on the 12th...otherwise, see you at the Earth Day celebration on April 19th at Republic Park!